Sri Sri Sri Guru Viswa Sphoorthi is a scientific saint who propagates religious humanism and practices practical philosophy, and known for his simplicity. Guruji, at a very young age had devoted His life to 'Yoga' and 'Meditation'. Over a period of time, after dedicated meditation, Guruji had reached the highest spiritual dimension (9th dimension) and attained the supernatural powers. He says that spirituality is the 'Super Science'. Spiritual wealth, achieved after years of meditation is His only wealth, which is being utilized for the sake of human welfare. Guruji's main objective is to inculcate the concept of 'Dhyan' in every individual. He had decided to devote His life to provide relief to the suffering humanity from serious mental and physical ailments and achieve 'Universal Peace'.
He rarely gives his ‘Darshan’ (Direct Appearance) to the devotees but, performs all his activities through the ‘medium’ (
Media Concept) simultaneously in many places, and discusses different subjects at the same time revealing that he his
omnipresent, omnipotent, and omniscient. For Guruji, both time and distance are zero. Apart from the activities performed through the medium, Guruji's devotees feel his presence in
different ways.Creation of Universe And CreativityAmidst, the controversial theories proposed by various religions and science with regard to the creation and evolution of universe, Guruji with his 'Supreme Wisdom' and 'Absolute Knowledge' proposes a new and authentic theory about the creator and the creation of universe.
He says that the Universe is the manifestation of the 'Universal Energy' continuously emitted from the self existent eternal and energetic "Mother Nucleus" (Zero Based Nucleus). There is a continuous emission of energy (The universal energy) form this nucleus. This energy is pervasive all over the universe which changes into "Brahman", the primordial matter (Space Matter) of no configuration. The same energy (Brahman, The Primordial Matter) on metamorphosis changes into the Galaxies, Solar systems, and Planets in the solar system. Depending on the climatic conditions on the planets, the Nature appears on them. The water content in the nature is responsible for the life on the planets. Gradually, as the time passed by (on Evolutionary Transmutation) different species have evolved, and human species is one of them.No Existed Soul, Mind Has to be Transcended to SoulGuruji says that no human being is born with a Soul. According to Guruji, by birth all human beings have PRANA (the vital power), and the MIND but no Soul. In every human being, Soul is in the minute form treasured (hidden, stored) up within the mind, 'The Jeevatmn' (The individual ‘Self’ related to physical Mind (Subtle of Universal Soul…Energy)) that has to be transcended to Conscience (unison of 'mind' and 'Self') which is the spiritual function of Mind, and then to the Spiritual Soul through the process of 'Dhyanaprasthan' (meditation), in order to, either to be merged with, or absorbed into Universal Soul, -the perpetual paramatmn.
Guruji's Presence As Redolence
The spiritual presence of Guruji is felt in
many ways and redolence is one of them. The devotees can recognize Guruji's spiritual arrival by a strong distinctive fragrance of Sandal wood, Roses, Jasmine or any other. It is experienced by many of the devotees that they happen to walk on the street, along a stinking drainage, or sit at home and suddenly the area becomes redolent indicating Guruji's spiritual presence. Within a fraction of seconds, upon need or otherwise, though Guruji cannot be objectively seen, the devotees feel Guruji's presence which is evident by the aroma or the redolence conveying that He is always present with us spiritually irrespective of the time and location.